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Can chiropractor fix neck hump

Neck hump is a common problem that many people experience, especially those who spend long hours bent forward at their computer or desk. Even more so if you have a desk job. The reason for this? Your neck isn’t too happy and has signaled for help by forming a hump in your neck to give you some relief. How can a chiropractor help you get rid of your neck hump? Read on to find out more.

What is Neck Hump?
Neck humping is the act of moving your head from side to side while sleeping. It’s not going to kill you, but it can be annoying, especially if you do it a lot. The cause of neck humping is still unknown, but it is a common sleeping problem among young adults. The hump in your neck is actually a signal to your brain that you need to move your head, but your brain doesn’t receive the message because of the hump. When you sleep on your stomach, your head will roll to the side a little so that your brain can receive the message. When you sleep on your back, however, your head rolls to the side a little less so that your brain can receive the message.

As Chiropractors, We’re Not Here to Treat Your Hump
Neck hump is a common health issue that many people experience. This is why you’ll find chiropractors and physiotherapists have a practice in helping people with their health issues. Neck hump is not something a chiropractor should be treating. Your chiropractor can help you get rid of your neck hump by removing pressure from your spinal cord through adjustments. This article.

Can a Chiropractor Help You Get Rid of Your Neck Hump?
Neck hump is a common problem that many people experience. Hump is not something a chiropractor should be treating. Your chiropractor can help you get rid of your neck hump by removing pressure from your spinal cord through adjustments. Neck hump is not something a chiropractor should treat. Your chiropractor can help you get rid of your neck hump by removing pressure from your spinal cord through adjustments. Neck hump is a common health issue that many people experience. Hump is not something a chiropractor should be treating. Your chiropractor can help you get rid of your neck hump by removing pressure from your spinal cord through adjustments. Neck hump is not something a chiropractor should be treating. Your chiropractor can help you get rid of your neck hump by removing pressure from your spinal cord through adjustments. Neck hump is a common health issue that many people experience. When you have neck hump, you move your head from side to side while sleeping. The hump in your neck is actually a signal to your brain that you need to move your head, but your brain doesn’t receive the message because of the hump. When you sleep on your stomach, your head will roll to the side a little so that your brain can receive the message. When you sleep on your back, however, your head rolls to the side a little less so that your brain can receive the message. A great place to also visit in San Diego.

Neck hump is a common problem that many people experience, especially those who spend long hours bent forward at their computer or desk. Even more so if you have a desk job. The reason for this? Your neck isn’t too happy and has signaled for help by forming a hump in your neck to give you some relief. How can a chiropractor help you get rid of your neck hump? Neck hump is a common health issue that many people experience. When you have neck hump, you move your head from side to side while sleeping. The hump in your neck is actually a signal to your brain that you need to move your head, but your brain doesn’t receive the message because of the hump. When you sleep on your stomach, your head will roll to the side a little so that your brain can receive the message. When you sleep on your back, however, your head rolls to the side a little less so that your brain can receive the message. Neck hump is a common problem that many people experience, especially those who spend long hours bent forward at their computer or desk. Even more so if you have a desk job. The reason for this? Your neck isn’t too happy and has signaled for help by forming a hump in your neck to give you some relief. How can a chiropractor help you get rid of your neck hump? Neck hump is a common problem that many people experience, especially those who spend long hours bent forward at their computer or desk. Even more so if you have a desk job. The reason for this? Your neck isn’t too happy and has signaled for help by forming a hump in your neck to give you some relief. When you have neck hump, you move your head from side to side while sleeping. The hump in your neck is actually a signal to your brain that you need to move your head, but your brain doesn’t receive the message because of the hump. When you sleep on your stomach, your head will roll to the side a little so that your brain can receive the message. When you sleep on your back, however, your head rolls to the side a little less so that your brain can receive the message. Neck hump is a common problem that many people experience, especially those who spend long hours bent forward at their computer or desk. Even more so if you have a desk job. The reason for this? Your neck isn’t too happy and has signaled for help by forming a hump in your neck to give you some relief. 

greater life wellness

Dr. Henry Wong, DC
3689 Midway Drive, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92110
(619) 222-8885
Chiropractor San Diego CA

Monday, Wednesday & Thursday :
8:00 AM – 11:00 AM and 3:00 – 6:00 PM
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Appointment Only
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